TTDX 912984 with two M1124 HEMTT Load Handling Systems (LHS)         
The M1120 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) is a standard U.S. military forward resupply vehicle in the up to 140,000 lb GVW class. The M1120 HEMT\ Load Handling System (LHS) has the same load handling system as the newer M1074/M1075 Palletized Loading System (PLS) vehicles. It allows the vehicle driver to load and unload cargo without any additoonal material handling equipment, and without leaving the vehicle cab.
Date: 5/13/2008 Location: Elkton, VA   Map Show Elkton on a rail map Views: 417 Collection Of:   Stephen Brock
Rolling Stock: TTDX 912984 (Flat Car) Author:  Stephen Brock
TTDX 912984 with two M1124 HEMTT Load Handling Systems (LHS)
Picture Categories: RollingStock,Action This picture is part of album:  NS Military Train
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